Donaldson Torit® offers innovative dust collection technology, proven experience in glass and ceramic processing, sales and service support worldwide. From rugged, high performance baghouses to innovative, efficient cartridge or Torit PowerCore® collectors, Donaldson offers the largest range of collectors in the industry.
Commercially produced glass can be classified as soda-lime, lead, fused silica, borosilicate, or 96 percent silica with soda- lime glass representing three-quarters of the glass produced. Glass is manufactured from materials that are crushed, weighed, mixed and melted to produce flat glass, container glass, pressed glass and blown glass.
With over 100 years of experience engineering dust collectors and filters, Donaldson Torit is the name you can trust above all others for cleaner glass and ceramic processing.
Commercially produced glass can be classified as soda-lime, lead, fused silica, borosilicate, or 96 percent silica with soda-lime glass representing three-quarters of the glass produced. Glass is manufactured from materials that are crushed, weighed, mixed and melted to produce flat glass, container glass, pressed glass and blown glass.
Polyester felt is the typical media choice for baghouse applications on glass production processes at ambient temperatures. Exotic media is often required at elevated temperatures, and selection has to consider the actual chemistry of the process. Protecting bags from direct abrasion is especially important when handling sand or cullet dust streams. Because glass dusts contain high percentages of silica, high levels of filtration efficiency must be a consideration in filter media selection, collector selection, and in collector sizing. Cullet crushing is a challenging dust collection application requiring specific collector design. Intake materials are particularly abrasive, and dust loadings are often very high, so heavy gauge hoppers and airflow management are critical to collector success. Sand, cullet, and limestone bin vents benefit from the advantages offered in both efficiency and size with the CP Series PowerCore collectors. The characteristics of soda ash benefit from the performance of the DLMV in handling potential upset conditions associated with humidity and/or moisture.
When crushing glass, large irregular shaped particles are formed, which are very abrasive. Donaldson offers different dust filtration systems equipped where necessary with abrasion resistance inlet suitable for raw material or glass crushing applications.
Glass furnace applications are heavy-duty and the materials are typically very abrasive. Donaldson has the expertise and extensive range of dust collectors to provide advanced solutions for this demanding process. The temperature and condensate are other challenges that Donaldson dust collection systems can handle, by tailoring the specification to suit the application to ensure stable, clean and efficient glass production.
Other applications can include intake hoppers and pits, elevators, screw and belt conveyors, holding bins and silos, weigh stations, mixers, feeders, cullet crushers and screens.
Ceramic Floor and Wall Tile applications include: Conveyors, Elevators, Bins/Silo Vents, Rail/Truck Unloading, Batch Mixing, Spray Glazing, Tunnel Kiln/Furnace, Dry Pressing. Raw materials may include a wide variety of minerals and chemicals. Beyond clay and Cement the list of additional ingredients may include Flint, Feldspar, Alumina, Litharge, Whiting, Magnesite, Talc, Neohheline, Zircon, Borax, Pyrophyllite, Spodumene, Beryl, Lime, Plaster, Cobalt, Boron, Titanium Carbide, Silicone Carbide, Iron Oxide, Barium Titanate, Lead Zirconate, Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide. These dusts are often abrasive, may be explosive, and are often hydroscopic, and agglomerative. AMR guidance may include cautions regarding the dust characteristics.
Tile manufacturing processes in particular can generate very aggressive applications. Bag life may be limited by higher temperature.