
Membrane Enclosure Protection Vent Solves ECU Manufacturer's Weldability Issue

Donaldson ePTFE Membrane Improves Weldability

Industry: Automotive

Problem: An Engine Control Unit (ECU) manufacturer was not satisfied with the weldability of the membrane it was using, as it was showing severe welding issues.

Solution: Donaldson Weld-Fit enclosure protection vent (EPV) was so robust that it solved the membrane weldability issue.

A manufacturer of Engine Control Units (ECUs) approached Donaldson Venting with severe membrane welding issues it was experiencing. Donaldson’s Weld-Fit EPVs protect sensitive auto electronics from contamination and help improve the performance of engine control systems. The Donaldson Integrated Venting Solutions (IVS) team recognized the importance of offering the OEM a membrane robust enough to be effectively welded to its automotive components. Our experts knew that the products we offered had the ability to improve the component’s performance and extend its life.

The Donaldson Integrated Venting Solutions team worked in partnership with the OEM to select a suitable die cut membrane and provided welding expertise and recommendations to optimize the vent design. As a result of the partnership between the OEM and Donaldson IVS, the OEM received a solution that could be easily welded onsite in a lean and automated way. Most importantly, it saw the improved product performance and extended life of its components.

The OEM was so pleased with the results of the Donaldson venting solution that it initiated a long series of testing and validation so that it could implement the solution into serial production.

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